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As we get to know one another, there are phrases you’re going to become very familiar with. “Turn it around,” “Joy-killers,” “Just this day,” “100%,” “Next,” “Better than you think,” and of course, “Be a Great Parent, Raise a Great Child.” These aren’t just words; they’re my mantras, my go-tos, my lifelines as a single parent and your guide on this journey.
Becoming a mother later in life was unexpected—a turn in my story that, while unforeseen, was wholly embraced. Overnight my life changed. Life up until then you can definitely say was “all about me”, but no more. I didn’t think twice, I went right into mom mode and looking back … my life as a mentor truly began on that day.
What a journey it’s been to this point, and I’m eager to share it with you. But it’s the chapters that followed—the birth of my great child—that inspire me to be a part of your story. There’s hardly a scenario I can’t empathize with or a tale I haven’t lived through myself, believe me. We all carry our stories, our pivotal moments. Yet, it’s what we do next that truly defines us. How we shift our perspective from life before to life as a parent.
Starting today, we can look forward, but with an understanding that to move ahead, we sometimes need to look back. To understand where we’re headed, we must acknowledge where we’ve been. You can’t change the past, but you can absolutely change the future—for you, and for your child.
This could indeed fill a book, but let’s save that for our ongoing conversations. Through my blog, my videos, and my podcast, I’ll share my journey of single parenting in hopes of lightening yours. No matter where you find yourself on this path, jump in with me. Together, we can make the rest of this journey transformative, for both you and your child.
Let me show you how, as your coach and mentor in single parenting.
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Single parenting isn’t just a circumstance, it’s a journey of purpose and possibilities. Welcome to One Parent Wonder!